hiring strategy

Always hiring. Everyone’s a hire.

How to build an always on hiring pipe

First off there’s a mentality swap - moving from hiring when you need (which is almost always in a fire situation when someone's left) to hiring when you don’t need (aka ‘always hiring’). The point here is that you never know when you might need someone, and you never know who the right hire might be - so give yourself a chance and always be in a hiring mentality.

Next up it’s about building an always on hiring pipe - the infrastructure which allows you to hire efficiently and effectively.

An example structure is as follows:

  • Proposition & positioning: get your company's job page in shape.  Create a clear company proposition + sort out specific  job ads for core company roles.  You've got to sell yourselves as much as the candidates.

  • Channels: optimise your channels: search (SEO), Linked-in, key 3rd party job boards /  Glass Door.

    • Search: SEO your job ads and create relevant / connected content

    • Linked-in: get your profile in shape & post regularly.  Pay for the Premium Linked-in recruiter service & use to connect / invite to chat at a granular level.

    • Indeed / Glassdoor: ensure your profiles & job ads are updated on core online recruiter platforms like Indeed and Glassdoor.  Encourage positive feedback from past employees .

  • Data collection & conversion optimisation:  the core goal for always on hiring is data collection (i.e. if someone's looking for a job, you want to get their data so you keep in contact). 

  • Funnel management: funnel all data into a single candidate database, and regularly review.  Use Zapier / Google / Slack alerts to efficiently manage / triage / keep in touch.

  • Face time targets: set yourself weekly interview targets.  Be efficient.  Create short 15 min slots so 'first chats' to initially connect.  Lunch and post-work, generally work best.  Start at say 2 interviews / chats a week, and build to 4.

  • Automation: automate as much as the process as possible.  Using Zapier to connect all the various tools you need is a good automation short-cut.

  • Keep in Touch: ongoing relationship building is important.  You're never going to be ready to hire when the perfect candidate is ready, so keep connected via regular mailings / Linked-in postings / Social to ensure the stars will align ;-)

At the end of this, a key question for your senior management should be: how many new people have you spoken to this week?